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From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Borrowing from , m:Questions for Wikipedians, and more.

Personal data

  1. When did you discover Wikipedia?
    • ... and how?
  2. When did you make your first edit?
    • What kind of edit was it? (Correcting typos, adding data etc.)
  3. How long after your first edit did you register a username?
    • Why did you register?
  4. How long time after your first edit did you first contribute a new article?
  5. About how many edits have you made? (You can include edits from other accounts, or edits as an anonymous user)
    • What proportion of them have been minor?
  6. Do you use multiple accounts on the Wikipedias where you are most?
    • What do you use different accounts for? (Different kinds of work, controversial editing, home/workplace)
    • What is the largest # of accounts you have created on a given Wikipedia?
  7. What is[are] your user name[s] on Wikipedia?
  8. Do you have your own blog[s] or website[s]?
    • Do you discuss Wikipedia-related topics there frequently?


  1. How often do you visit Wikipedia in a typical month?
  2. Do you read policy pages and community pages?
  3. Do you regularly read Wikipedia without editing?
    • For which purpose? (Examples: For information, for curiosity, for killing time etc.)
  4. Which article have you found most impressive?
  5. Have you ever believed an error that you read on Wikipedia (which you later found out was wrong)?
  6. Which Wikipedia project do you enjoy reading the most?


  1. How many edits do you make in a typical month?
    • How many new articles?
    • How many uploaded images?
  2. Between which hours do you do most editing (including all day)
  3. Do you do Wikipedia maintenance frequently?
  4. Do you use article talk pages frequently?
  5. Do you use user talk pages frequently?
  6. Have you created a watchlist?
  7. Do you categorize articles?
  8. Do you add stub tags, if you find a stub?
    • What do you do if you encounter a substub?
  9. Do you make interlanguage links and/or interwiki links?
    • How do you do this/find the right links?
  10. Have you translated articles from other language Wikipedias?
    • Which languages?
  11. What do you think is the best article you have written/contributed to?
  12. Have you written any featured articles?
  13. Have you uploaded any featured images?

Subject areas

  1. In what subject areas do you contribute content?
    • What makes you have an special interest in those subjects, and to what degree do you know them?
    • Is there a portal for any of these subjects?
  2. To which subject do you contribute most often?
    • Are there any other active contributors in that subject?
    • Are the articles in that subject generally high quality?
    • What improvement would you like to make to that subject's content?
    • Do you think it is good for Wikipedia to have articles on your subject?

Administration and maintenance

  1. What kind of administrative work or maintenance do you engage in?
  2. Do you know about administrators?
  3. Would you like to be an admin on your Wikipedia? (no, yes, already am)
  4. Are there specific sysop privileges you use or would like to use?
  5. Have you been recommended as an admin candidate?
    • If you were rejected, why?
  6. Do you think administration is a heavy burden?
    • Why or why not?
  7. Do you have a MediaZilla account?
  8. Would you like to be a developer?
    • What do you think is the most important aspect of development?
  9. Which of the mailing lists have you joined?


  1. Do stubs drive you crazy?
    • How about substubs?
    • What is a [sub]stub in your definition?
  2. How many bytes do you set your stub limit for?
  3. Do you consider yourself a "stub creator"?
  4. Have any of your contributions been listed on Wikipedia:Clean-up or similar pages?
  5. Have any of your contributions been deleted?
    • Speed[il]y deleted?
    • Are you still annoyed about it?
  6. What kind of vision do you have for Wikipedia's future, optimistic or pessimistic?
  7. When Wikipedia is slow, what do you do?
    • Have you ever personally contributed to its slowness?
  8. Have you donated money to the Wikimedia Foundation?
  9. Have you bought any materials (books, magazine, movie etc.) for contribution to Wikipedia?
  10. Which is bigger, your reading-list or your editing-list?
  11. Are you a Wikiholic? (no, yes, or score)
  12. Have you ever searched for how frequently something you wrote was quoted in the media / on the web?

Other communities

  1. Have you joined Wikimedia projects other than Wikipedia, like Wiktionary or Wikibooks?
  2. Have you ever joined an online community related to Wikipedia, like IRC, related bulletin boards, LiveJournal or Orkut interest groups?
  3. What is your most frequently visiting online community (outside of Wikimedia projects)?
  4. Have you ever attended a physical Wiki-meetup?
  5. Are you thinking about attending m:Wikimania 2005? (no, yes, definitely)
  6. Have you joined multiple Wikipedia languages, not only your native one?


  1. Do you think you understand GFDL perfectly?
    • If so, what is your phone number?
  2. Are you using CSS?
  3. Other comments or suggestions about Wikipedia
  4. Other comments or suggestions about Wikimedia and the Foundation
  5. If you could add one question to this list, what would it be?