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Is that Mittelfranken? Space Cadet 15:46, 3 Jul 2004 (UTC)

Yes, it is. Why? --Irredenta 21:45, 3 Jul 2004 (UTC)
Just. I was checking my geography knowledge, or what's left of it.Space Cadet 03:43, 4 Jul 2004 (UTC)

Irredenta, I asked you some questions at the Talk:Vilnius page. Please be so kind as to reply with some arguments. Halibutt 16:12, Jul 7, 2004 (UTC)

My questions still wait to be asked. Halibutt 10:17, Jul 8, 2004 (UTC)

Also, I wanted to translate this article for you, but from your recent engagements in various revert wars I judge that you might be banned from wikipedia before I finish the translation. Does it make sense to start at all? Halibutt 16:26, Jul 7, 2004 (UTC)

I am sure that I will be here longer that you will, because this is English wikipedia, and it is not ruled by Polish nationalists. Do not worry about me. I will stay. You are just to lazy to translate as you have promissed, aren't you? --Irredenta 18:16, 7 Jul 2004 (UTC)
If you believe you will stay here and will not get banned - no problem. And you really do not have to be so offensive towards me, I'm a friendly guy and hopefully will remain this way. No need to try to change my attitude towards you. Unless of course you want me to become your enemy. I will translate the article just as I promised, just give me some time. I don't get paid for my work for wikipedia and I have life as well. Halibutt 20:35, Jul 7, 2004 (UTC)

I am not going to play with you any more. Your behaviour is rude and you are entirely unable to cooperation. Wikipedia is not a fighting field. This is a place where users from different countries cooperate to create the best encyclopedia possible. You intentionally and maliciously breake the rules. I think that other users will share my opinion. I am going to ask other users for help and I am afraid that your "cereer" in Wikipedia will terminate soon.Yeti 09:03, 8 Jul 2004 (UTC)

It was never possible to talk seriously with you, because you are much to childish, to jingoistic and to conceited. I never was playing with you. If you would find some adults who can teach you to discuss seriously, I would welcome that very much. Until then, please leave me alone. This is not your school yard. --Irredenta 09:38, 8 Jul 2004 (UTC)
You are right. I was wrong that I started to quarrel with you. It is childish. Bye.Yeti 10:24, 8 Jul 2004 (UTC)

While the exact status of Royal Prussia within Poland may have been quite complicated, I don't see any reason why the shorthand of "Polish province" is inappropriate. john k 14:16, 9 Jul 2004 (UTC)

John, a Polish province, but with its own coat-of-arms, its own flag, its own parliament, its own constitution, its own government, its own right to sign international contracts, a Polish province with its own troops, where Polish troops are forbidden to enter? A Polish province with its own treasure and with the right to reject a participation in Polish wars? Are you kidding? --Irredenta 14:37, 9 Jul 2004 (UTC)
Hi Irredenta, take your time. I am going for vacations anyway, so you have a lot of time to preapre the answer. But already i see some mistake above:
  1. All Polish provinces had it own CoA
  2. After 1569 Royal Prussia had not separate treasury nor parliament
  3. I am not aware about Royal Prussia rights to sign international acts, nor about any aisgned
  4. I am not aware about "Polish troops forbidden" to enter Royal Prussia - surely after 1569 Polish troops were recruited also amongst Royal Prussia inhabitants
  5. The "right to refuse in Polish wars" made me curious. Could you please quote the source for it?

In short, you have to separate few things: status of Royal Prussia before 1569 and after, and status of Danzig (which was the only part of Royal Prussia able to preserve large authonomy, yet still formally part of Polish kingdom de iure, although it indeed from time to time behaved independently). It seems to me you are mixing those three. Anyway, I will not be back until 20 or even 21... Szopen 16:08, 9 Jul 2004 (UTC)

...But I'll be here, watching the show, keeping an eye on vandals and protecting the Status Quo. Space Cadet 18:42, 9 Jul 2004 (UTC)

Probably he was referring to the sejmik local "parliaments", not to the local sejm. Even today each voivodship has got it's own sejmik, which is (and always was) sort of a self-government council, but not a parliament. As per its own army - Irredenta is partially right here. Many cities in Poland (most, to be precise) had their own armies, sometimes even standing armies if a city was rich enough. However, these armies were used as sort of a police force in the peace time while they were conscripted to the royal army for wars. I don't know if Royal Prussia had its own army, but I'm sure many cities in the area had their own armed militias (just like Zamość, Kraków or any other major city). Halibutt 09:17, Jul 10, 2004 (UTC)

IPN Article

Perhaps you hadn't noticed: I translated the article for you. Check here. Halibutt 14:59, Jul 16, 2004 (UTC)
Yes? No? Thank you? Halibutt 15:48, Jul 29, 2004 (UTC)

Naming issues


I have made a proposition in Talk:Gdansk/Naming convention#Other_concepts. In short, it's sing most controversial names when first name appears in artcile and making a msg saying that the names are controversial and pointing to article explaining why. Please, contribute your opinion.Szopen 10:56, 20 Jul 2004 (UTC)

I am also editing the partial answer about "Royal Prussia" at John Kenney's page.

Naming wars


Since you were either directly or indirectly once involved into edits revolving around "proper" naming of cities like Gdansk/Danzig etc i thought you may be interested in my proposition in User:Szopen/NamingWar. I would want to create a way aimed at stopping the revert wars in future - through creating something like a msg (in see also list or header) explaining that's there is compromise and why, and by linking to the article explaining changes of the statuses of the Royal Prussia province (I would prefer it ot have it as separate article, not scatter it in plethora other articles). I would be happy to hear from you. Szopen 09:14, 5 Aug 2004 (UTC)