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As a man who has taken a single high-school physics class I can say with absolute certainty that this entire article is false. 19:41, 24 February 2006 (UTC)[reply]

I´d say that this article is completely fictional. A close examination also reveals that the contributor also has a certain lack of knowledge regarding the german language.

I am the author of this text from LasieWorks.com and author of the book "Disc Aircraft of the Third Reich (1922-1945 and Beyond). - Rob Arndt, teuton263@aol.com

This is actually all rather close to the truth. The S.S. was certainly involved in the development of what could be described as 'flying saucer' type craft.

Please restore text.

The mind-seeing reptile nazi will come back from Antarctica in vedaic disc craft to claim the world

The Reptilians had little to do with the development of the Haunebu craft. It was actually the human Haunebu colony in Antarctica that donated the technological information to the Vril Society to seed the development of these machines. They are from the star system, Aldebaran, and are humans. If you are not aware of the fact that humans reside in many other star systems, and in fact do not originate in this one, refer to Billy Meier's information, based on a wide range of evidence.

This article probably belongs under the mental illnesses category one can guess?

"=This article is dubious in the extreme. = Nonsense like this should be removed."

Lots of German spelling and translation errors! And this article should be classfied as what it really is: complete Nazi mysticism bullcrap and *NOT* as scientific or historic record. Haunebu is humbug.

Mr Arndt is over-fond of supporting his arguments by citing a book that he wrote and self-published. How about some independent evidence for these claims?

ihr seid doch alle honks und habt keinerlei ahnung. ufos, son schwachsinn! sucht euch ne freundin ihr spastis

Major changes


I think that the article should remain, but should however be extensively reworded so as to make it clear to readers that it is Nazi mythology, because in its current state a very stupid person could mistake it for fact.

Please remove the first picture!


Its photoshopping couldn't possibly be more obvious. Please tell me if it's NOT an inverted soup bowl, with "Haunebu" written on its side by a 6-year-old with a blue marker! Shadow86 21:11, 6 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]

It's not photoshopping and it's right at the south pole, it's also not been written by a 6-year old. But you got the blue marker right ;) Remove it if you like, personally I think that the article is quite bogus, the picture is meant to give an illustration of that. --Emilio floris 23:05, 13 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]

the picture is false indeed. But why is the whole article false? Germans were also far ahead with their jet propulsion system. They could have made a flying saucer. Articles I read say a german scientist called schriever had found a way to work with magnetic fields to lift up gravity. This could be very well possible. How it works i don't know but u can make objects fly with magnets.

The statement of nazis still living on antartica together with aliens on their secret base is, i think complete nonsense. You hear also people saying they have this technology from aliens but there aren't any clues for that. They could have had just smart scientists.

Documents on the web state clearly there must have been serveral models like the Haunebu 1, the Vrill 1, the V-7. They don't make that up. These story's originate from something. I guess it's more than just a myth. And whatabout the photo's showing clearly swastika crosses on the hull, these pictures don't look very fake too me.

Making this article less fictional


I agree that this article must be handled with care, as none of its major contentions are readily provable. That being said, the subject is of interest because it has entered into pop culture. I have inserted some text into the first paragraph of the section titled "The Series Prototype" in order to make it clear that the statements are not proven facts. Perhaps others could edit the rest of the article with these additions in mind: "It is claimed," "it is said," "legend hold," according to the legend," "allegedly," "purportedly," "supposedly," etc. These additions will assist in giving the article and Wiki more credibility. --Mylitta 06:04, 8 June 2006 (UTC)[reply]

It may be further helpful to put an image of what is purported to be an original Haunebu blueprint[1]. I do not believe this document is copyrighted. It has been around for many years and appears in a variety of places. --Mylitta 06:12, 8 June 2006 (UTC)[reply]



This article alone justifies the Random Article button. Yeah, maybe it's all nonsense, but it's fantastic in both senses of the word - if it does get removed, I hope it will be retained somewhere in WP. Adambrowne666 11:14, 27 June 2006 (UTC)[reply]



Either the nazi scientists had no clue about German language or they, in fact were alien or antarctical yetis with a language of their own. This pile of bulldung belongs to uncyclopedia! Put the atarctical sightning photo back atleasT!! Ok, bye, gotta fly back to werewolf Eva to Neuschwabenland, now where's my Tachynator, eh, TRIEBWERK!

What about this picture ...?


I feel a little uneasy about this picture. It could be fake, but if it's a fake, it's a pretty good one. All the same if it's a fake or not I'm not shure if it can be regarded open content. And if it isn't I wonder wether we could make fair use of it and show it. By the way: the lady in the back of the car is sayd to be sigrun. I like Burke's Peerage 14:35, 21 August 2006 (UTC)[reply]