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Talk:Political media

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By the way, the internet is a medium I put high hopes into, else I wouldn´t write this. But the internet is prone to sabotage, because most data flows through a few knots, so if you bomb down, hack or compromise a few of them you can affect 95% of the world´s available data bandwidth, still 80% after a few days of reconfiguration. The state cares for roads to walk, ride and drive on, it should care for the internet, too.

This is exaggeration. Most of bandwidth goes inside countries, not to US and from US, as author seems to think. To destroy 95% of data bandwidth you would have to sabotage many thousands (if not more) of data lines. --Taw

Nearly all american traffic flows over a few knots in NY; London & Paris for Europeean traffic. The "need" to cut costs has lead to a very concentrated picture, the old picture of the decentral ARPAnet is not valid anymore. Grasso

This article should be called "Propaganda organs" and possibly included in the progaganda article. It needs shortening and/or NPOVing. Ed Poor

Who is the author(s)?


This is an unsourced OR essay that is not encyclopedic. There are vague references to Marshall McLuhan's ideas of 60 years ago, but nothing more recent. It contains weird statements such as: 1) "The Greeks could learn from the Egypt of the Pharaos that some risks could be suffered when medium and executives occur in personal union, concentrating too much power in one hand." and 2) "As a matter of fact, private media companies became very powerful since the invention of the printing press, cinema, radio and TV, and in history the age of amanuenses (the manual copysts of Middle Ages) is perhaps characteristic in demonstrating the attention that usually official powers attribute to communication." and 3) "Education is by some included in social media, and in this sense it could eventually be used as a powerful mean to introduce in individuals some "politically useful" concepts: what a man learns in his youth, in the phasis in which the fundaments of character are created (which many believe will seldom greatly vary after), is brought to him by family, schools and other clubs, and mass media. Apart from the studies of facts, education could be used (some suggest) as a mean for conditioning, usually practiced by emotional and mechanical learning. " I redirected it to a more useful link political journalism. Rjensen (talk) 00:19, 18 June 2015 (UTC)[reply]