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User talk:Sam Spade/Spleeman

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Enforcing american spelling




This occurred quite a while ago when I was still a very new user and was unaware of the policy on American vs. British spelling. Actually, to be honest, I'm still not entirely sure what the policy is on this matter. I might have read it once before, but I seem to have forgotten in any case. I suppose I'll have to go review the policy again. Anyway, you'll notice I haven't done this in a long time. -- Spleeman 08:01, 11 Aug 2004 (UTC)

a long time? Like since June? Nearly everything you've compiled about me is from my first few months here, long before you were even on the wiki... unless... ;) Sam [Spade] 08:04, 11 Aug 2004 (UTC)

I didn't say "a long time" ago, on purpose. I said "quite a while". I've only been here about 2 months, so 2 months is indeed a while :) The stuff I compiled on you spans the entire length of your "career" on wikipedia, right up till today. I'll add the insinuation that I'm really a reincarnated old user (I assume that's what you meant by "unless...") to the "thinks other users are out to get him" section. Cheers. -- Spleeman 08:15, 11 Aug 2004 (UTC)

Rudeness, foul language and/or attempt to enforce POV








Again, these occurred when I was a very new user, and was unfamiliar with the wiki and its policies. Some of the things I said were a bit out-of-line, yes, but some of the things I said were true. Anyway, the anarchism page has calmed down a lot recently, as have I. Most of teh stuff you've got listed here isn't that damning. If I were you, I'd focus on the "kiss my anarcho-commie a** motherf****r" incident. -- Spleeman 08:09, 11 Aug 2004 (UTC)
I'm not going to focus on any of this foolishness, my point was to enlighten you as to the hypocrisy of digging into my past, and of the futility of doing things here on the wiki that interfere w reading, writing and editing an encyclopedia (which is what were supposed to be doing ;) Sam [Spade] 08:16, 11 Aug 2004 (UTC)
Oops. Looks like my last edit got overridden. I was just gonna say you should move this stuff over to your page since my talk page isn't the place to compile data on me. Thanks. -- Spleeman 08:21, 11 Aug 2004 (UTC)