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  • If the accumulated wealth of inventions and generational improvements is considered a human heritage and treated as such, perhaps every person on this earth could have decent housing, food, and basic health care.
Wikipedia is a part of this human heritage.
So is sci-hub.
  • There are human rights and human debts. We do not hear much about the latter: They have been called the primordial debts.
  • A patent (copyright?) is "a device that enables one man to claim special financial rewards for being the last link in the complicated social process that produced the invention".[1] Lewis Mumford
  • "Corporations are people" - Mitt Romney[2]: - No, they are not. Andrew Jackson already knew this. According to the historian Harry Watson, "The problem with corporations as far as Jackson was concerned was they had no body to be kicked or soul to be damned."
  • "Claimed research findings may often simply be accurate measures of the prevailing bias" - John P. A. Ioannidis.[3]
  • "Justice? – You get justice in the next world, in this world you have the law." - A Frolic of His Own by William Gaddis, or in a paraphrase by Eric Schmidt: The laws are written by lobbyists.[4]
  • "The politician has to convince the people that all problems are "social" problems to be able to enslave them." Escolios a un texto implicito: Seleccion by Nicolás Gómez Dávila
  • "Each new generation born is in effect an invasion of civilization by little barbarians." - Thomas Sowell
  • "Never argue with stupid People, they will drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience." - Mark Twain
  • Regarding my entries
  1. ^ Lewis Mumford. Technics & Civilization. Harcourt (1934), University of Chicago Press edition, 2010. p. 142. ISBN 0-226-55027-3.
  2. ^ Washington Post, August 11, 2011
  3. ^ John P. A. Ioannidis: Why Most Published Research Findings Are False
  4. ^ Schmidt quote

Expanded articles


Major expansion or removal of stub status


  1. Androgen binding protein
  2. Anti-müllerian hormone
  3. CFTR
  4. DEHP
  5. Dehydroepiandrosterone
  6. Estradiol
  7. Follicle-stimulating hormone
  8. GnRH
  9. Gonadotropin-releasing hormone analog
  10. Luteinizing hormone
  11. Menstrual cycle
  12. Müllerian duct
  13. Progesterone
  14. Steroid hormone receptor
  15. Wolffian duct
  16. Xenoestrogen


  1. A Bend in the River
  2. A Frolic of His Own
  3. Congo: The Epic History of a People
  4. Cutting for Stone
  5. Darconville's Cat
  6. King, Queen, Knave
  7. Laura Warholic
  8. Mulligan Stew (novel)
  9. On the Road
  10. The Recognitions
  11. Speak, Memory, DYK
  12. The Gift (Nabokov novel), DYK


  1. Amenorrhea
  2. Assisted conception
  3. Azoospermia, DYK
  4. Caesarean section
  5. Cord prolapse
  6. Dalkon Shield
  7. Ectopic pregnancy
  8. Endometriosis
  9. Endoscopy
  10. Evidence-based medicine
  11. Gamete intrafallopian transfer
  12. Gynecologic hemorrhage
  13. Hydrosalpinx, DYK
  14. Incidentaloma
  15. Infertility
  16. IVF
  17. Maffucci syndrome
  18. Maternal death
  19. Menotropin
  20. Miscarriage
  21. Multiple birth
  22. Needlestick injury
  23. Ovarian cancer
  24. PGD
  25. Pregnancy test
  26. Preterm birth
  27. Polycystic ovary syndrome
  28. Rho(D) Immune Globulin
  29. Tuboplasty
  30. Uterus didelphys
  31. Vulvodynia


  1. Ricardo Asch
  2. Karl Ernst von Baer
  3. Étienne-Émile Baulieu, DYK
  4. Stanley S. Bergen Jr.
  5. John Block (filmmaker)
  6. Henry IV of Castile
  7. Isabella of Castile
  8. Juan of Aragon
  9. Juana of Castile
  10. Gala Dali
  11. Robert Latou Dickinson
  12. Catherine D'lish
  13. Lei Feng
  14. Henry Gauthier-Villars
  15. Ryke Geerd Hamer
  16. Pamela Harriman
  17. Leland Hayward
  18. Ronald Lauder
  19. Vera Nabokov
  20. George Papanicolaou
  21. Gunther Plüschow
  22. Radama II
  23. Ranavalona I
  24. James Young Simpson
  25. Alexander Skene
  26. Patrick Steptoe
  27. Margaret Sullavan
  28. Hector Trujillo
  29. Ehrenfried Walther von Tschirnhaus
  30. Caspar Friedrich Wolff


  1. Deutsche Bundesbahn
  2. Empresa de Ferrocarriles Ecuatorianos, DYK
  3. RITES Ltd.
  4. Slovenske zeleznice
  6. Transcontinental railway


  1. Cajas National Park
  2. Castel Group
  3. Crispiness
  4. Fertility and Sterility
  5. Heligoland-Zanzibar Treaty
  6. Holy Tunic
  7. The Last Mistress
  8. List of deaf people
  9. List of people with visual disabilities; restored as List of blind people
  10. List of women who died in childbirth
  11. Meissen porcelain
  12. Philatelic fakes and forgeries
  13. Portrait of Adele Bloch-Bauer I
  14. Prop gun
  15. The Raptor Trust
  16. Recreation
  17. Reichspost
  18. Signs and Symbols
  19. Unintentional humor
  20. Yarlung Tsangpo Canyon



Arts & Literature

  1. Bachmann (short story)
  2. Bermuda Maritime Museum, DYK
  3. Calvin Berger
  4. Cathedral of Guatemala City
  5. Chamber of Art and Curiosities, DYK
  6. The Dinner (novel)
  7. Drunk Enough to Say I Love You?
  8. Dominick Dunne's Power, Privilege, and Justice
  9. Empress Bianca
  10. The Fight (book)
  11. Maternal mortality in fiction
  12. Mitsou (novella)
  13. Nabokov's Butterflies
  14. Nabokov's Quartet
  15. Nasser Asphalt
  16. National Museum of China
  17. A Nursery Tale
  18. Opening sentence, DYK
  19. Rio das Mortes (film)
  20. Silent Night (opera)
  21. Spring in Fialta
  22. Statue of Ramesses II (Mit Rahina), DYK
  23. The Aurelian
  24. The Battle (Patrick Rimbaud novel), DYK
  25. The Enchanter, DYK
  26. The First Emperor, DYK
  27. The Fox on the Fairway
  28. The Leonardo
  29. The Mennello Museum of American Art
  30. The Retreat (Patrick Rambaud novel)
  31. The Return of Chorb
  32. The Scene (play)
  33. Terra Incognita (short story)
  34. Theater St. Gallen, DYK
  35. Tiefland (movie), DYK
  36. Tiffany Chapel
  37. Too Much Money
  38. Tyrants Destroyed and Other Stories
  39. The Waltz Invention
  40. Zsolnay, DYK


  1. Activin
  2. Adjudin
  3. Androgen receptor
  4. Aromatase
  5. Decidua, DYK
  6. Efferent ducts
  7. Endoglin
  8. Endosulfan
  9. Estrus cycle
  10. Danazol
  11. Human placental lactogen
  12. FSH-receptor, DYK
  13. Gestrinone, DYK
  14. Glucocorticoid receptor
  15. GnRH agonist
  16. GnRH antagonist
  17. 17-hydroxypregnenolone
  18. 17-hydroxyprogesterone
  19. Inhibin
  20. IT-101
  21. Letrozole
  22. LHCG receptor
  23. List of homologues of the human reproductive system
  24. Lovaxin C
  25. Methoxychlor, DYK
  26. 4-Methylbenzylidene camphor
  27. Myometrium
  28. Muscarinic receptor agonist
  29. Necrobiome
  30. Perfluorinated alkylated substances
  31. Periplocin
  32. Pregnenolone
  33. Progesterone receptor
  34. Relaxin
  35. Selective progesterone receptor modulator
  36. Sex hormone binding globulin
  37. Stigma (anatomy)
  38. Toxicity Class, DYK


  1. Atlantic Health System
  2. Automobilwerk Eisenach, DYK
  3. Access Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
  4. Arena Pharmaceuticals
  5. Bermuda Public Transportation Board, DYK
  6. Bracongo
  7. Cambridge Analytica
  8. Calanda Bräu
  9. KPS Capital Partners
  10. Center for Health Transformation
  11. Ferring Pharmaceuticals
  12. Fund for the Defense of Net Neutrality
  13. Jehmlich Orgelbau Dresden
  14. KV Pharmaceutical
  15. Napp Pharmaceuticals
  16. OncoTherm
  17. Ortho-McNeil-Janssen
  18. Pei Cobb Freed & Partners
  19. SCL Group
  20. Spectrum Pharmaceuticals
  21. Swaziland Beverages Ltd, now Eswatini Beverages Ltd
  22. TauRx Therapeutics
  23. Transit Film GmbH


  1. Andernach
  2. Apshawa Preserve
  3. Arenenberg
  4. Baćina lakes
  5. Black River County Park
  6. Burg Pfalzgrafenstein, DYK
  7. Chardonnay, Saône-et-Loire
  8. Col de la Traversette
  9. Denisova Cave
  10. Duke Farms, DYK
  11. Düssel
  12. Ehrenbreitstein
  13. Farrington Lake
  14. Former UNESCO World Heritage Sites
  15. Fortifications of Kotor, DYK
  16. Ghardimaou
  17. Great North Road (Africa)
  18. Great North Road (Australia)
  19. Island of Mozambique
  20. Javorniki
  21. Josephina (road)
  22. Kapiri Mposhi
  23. Kotal-e Salang
  24. Kuntsevo
  25. La Recolección Architectural Complex
  26. Lord Stirling Park
  27. Middle Brook, New Jersey
  28. Montségur
  29. Nacala
  30. Natural and Culturo-Historical Region of Kotor, DYK
  31. New River (Belize)
  32. Nkamba
  33. Postojna Gate, DYK
  34. Punta Gorda River
  35. Punta Sur
  36. Purbung
  37. Rio Brito
  38. Saalburg
  39. Salang tunnel
  40. San Carlos River (Costa Rica)
  41. Schenkenschanz
  42. Seerenbach Falls
  43. Sibambe
  44. Sidoarjo mud flow
  45. Veste Oberhaus
  46. Wanamaker, Pennsylvania
  47. Washington Rock State Park
  48. Washington Valley Park
  49. Wupper
  50. Zika Forest


  1. 162nd Turkoman Division
  2. 1773 Guatemala earthquake
  3. 2,500 year celebration of Iran's monarchy, DYK
  4. Allied High Commission
  5. Battle of Bound Brook
  6. Bombings of Switzerland in World War II, DYK
  7. Caesar's Rhine bridges, DYK
  8. Camp Greyhound
  9. Juan de Cartageña
  10. Claustra Alpium Iuliarum, DYK
  11. European Advisory Commission
  12. Fair of Peace and Fraternity of the Free World, DYK
  13. Fort Dimanche
  14. Franco-Hova War, DYK
  15. Gugler, DYK
  16. Here I Stand (book)
  17. International Eugenics Conference, DYK
  18. London Somalia Conference
  19. Massacre at Béziers
  20. Middlebrook encampment, DYK
  21. New York-New Jersey Line War, DYK
  22. Partant pour la Syrie
  23. Prayer Pilgrimage for Freedom
  24. Red Heat. Conspiracy, Murder, and the Cold War in the Caribbean
  25. Revolt of the comuneros, DYK
  26. Revolt of the comuneros (Paraguay)
  27. Revolt of the comuneros (New Granada)
  28. Servicio de Inteligencia Militar
  29. Siege of Drepana
  30. Siege of Mahdia, DYK
  31. Siege of Montségur
  32. Timeline of Magellan's circumnavigation
  33. Victims of Yalta


  1. Abdominal pregnancy, DYK
  2. Adenomyosis
  3. Anovulatory cycle
  4. ART
  5. Arrhenoblastoma
  6. Asepsis
  7. Asherman's syndrome
  8. Atriocaval shunt
  9. Benign acute childhood myositis
  10. Caesarean delivery on maternal request, DYK
  11. Catastrophic antiphospholipid syndrome
  12. Cephalic presentation
  13. Cryptomenorrhea
  14. Egg donor
  15. Elective caesarean section
  16. Embryo transfer
  17. Epoophoron
  18. Estrogen insensitivity syndrome
  19. Extramammary Paget's disease
  20. Factor VII deficiency
  21. Factor X deficiency
  22. Factor XII deficiency
  23. Falloposcopy
  24. Fallopian tube cancer, DYK
  25. Fertility medication
  26. Fetoscopy
  27. Gastric balloon
  28. Gestational carrier
  29. Gynecologic ultrasonography
  30. Hepatitis B immune globulin
  31. Hypothalamic-pituitary dysfunction
  32. Hysterosalpingography
  33. Hysteroscopy
  34. Immunization during pregnancy
  35. Informed refusal
  36. Interstitial pregnancy, DYK
  37. Kennedy disease
  38. List of vaccine ingredients
  39. Lymphocele
  40. Male breast cancer, DYK
  41. Melanocytoma
  42. Myomectomy
  43. Mixed gonadal dysgenesis
  44. Mullerian agenesis
  45. Obstetrical hemorrhage
  46. Ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome
  47. Ovarian pregnancy, DYK
  48. Ovarian reserve
  49. Pelvimetry
  50. Pergonal
  51. Perinatal mortality
  52. Postcoital test
  53. Preventive mastectomy
  54. Reproductive endocrinology
  55. Salpingectomy
  56. Sebelipase alfa
  57. Shoulder presentation, DYK
  58. Spinnbarkeit
  59. Third party reproduction
  60. Trendelenburg position
  61. Tuboplasty
  62. Unicornuate uterus
  63. Urinoma
  64. Uterine clear cell carcinoma
  65. Uterine fibroids
  66. Uterine incarceration
  67. Uterine malformation
  68. Uterine papillary serous carcinoma
  69. Uterine polyp
  70. Uterine rupture
  71. Uterine sarcoma
  72. Uterine septum
  73. Vaginal septum
  74. Vulvar cancer, DYK
  75. X-linked ichthyosis
  76. XX gonadal dysgenesis
  77. Zygote intrafallopian transfer


  1. Numan Acar
  2. Dan Agin
  3. Aburizal Bakrie
  4. Rebecca Berg (journalist)
  5. Asia Bibi
  6. Blanca of Navarre (daughter of Garcia VI)
  7. William Burden (singer)
  8. Rudi Carrell
  9. Peter Chamberlen
  10. Bernard Diederich
  11. Sir Richard Croft, 6th Baronet
  12. Paul Dahlke (Buddhist)
  13. Kenneth Dart
  14. Dominick Dunne
  15. Robert Geoffrey Edwards
  16. Karl-Axel Ekbom
  17. Enguerrand I, Lord of Coucy
  18. Klaus Fiedler
  19. Friedrich Karl Flick
  20. Otto-Ernst Flick
  21. Georges Fouré
  22. Hans Frangenheim
  23. Johann Carl Fuhlrott
  24. Jesús Galíndez
  25. Carl Axel Gemzell
  26. Peter S. Goodman
  27. Joseph Green (merchant)
  28. Guilhabert de Castres
  29. Roger Guillemin
  30. Axel Haverich
  31. Willet M. Hays
  32. David Heimbach
  33. Harriet Howard, DYK
  34. Ibrahim Jathran
  35. Robert A. Kehoe
  36. Kim Hyok-chol
  37. María Manuela Kirkpatrick
  38. Detlef Kleuker
  39. Harry Klinefelter
  40. Jost Kobusch
  41. Konstantin of Hohenlohe-Schillingsfürst
  42. E. Stanley Kroenke
  43. Joseph-François Lambert, DYK
  44. Prince Louis Ferdinand II of Prussia
  45. Lantian Man, DYK
  46. Marina, Princess of Naples
  47. Ivan Fedorovich Nikishov
  48. Paoul Palmer
  49. Francisco Pradilla Ortiz, DYK
  50. George T. Pack
  51. Carsten Podlesch
  52. N. C. Paul
  53. Ralph Pomeroy
  54. Raymond de Péreille
  55. Guido Rasi
  56. Ernst Reuter, DYK
  57. Eslanda Goode Robeson, DYK
  58. Brian Hubert Robertson
  59. Odile Rodin
  60. Guy de Rothschild, DYK
  61. Schmid
  62. Else Lasker-Schüler
  63. John A. Sampson
  64. Francesco Schettino
  65. Josef Schuster
  66. Abd El Aziz Seif-Eldeen
  67. Kurt Semm
  68. J. Marion Sims
  69. Michael Skakel
  70. William Smellie (obstetrician)
  71. Boris Smyslovsky
  72. Johnny Sutton
  73. Lawson Tait
  74. Thom Thomas
  75. Thomas C. Wales
  76. Thomas, Lord of Coucy
  77. Walton family
  78. James "Bud" Walton
  79. Robert Wiedersheim
  80. Peter Winter (philately)
  81. John Woodcock (magistrate)
  82. Yuanmou Man
  83. Vilmos Zsolnay


  1. Deutsche Bundespost Berlin
  2. Deutsche Post of the GDR
  3. Germania (stamp)
  4. German post offices abroad
  5. List of stamp forgers
  6. Postage stamps and postal history of the German colonies
  7. Postage stamps and postal history of Germany, DYK
  8. Vineta provisional


  1. 2014 Katanga train derailment
  2. Bahnmuseum Albula
  3. Beira railroad corporation
  4. Benguela railway
  5. Botswana Railways
  6. Cape-Cairo railway
  7. Egyptian National Railways, DYK
  8. Ethio-Djibouti Railways
  9. Islamic Republic of Iran Railways, DYK
  10. Kazakhstan Temir Zholy, DYK
  11. Kenya Railways Corporation, DYK
  12. Luanda Railway
  13. Mitropa
  14. Mozambique Ports and Railways
  15. National Railways of Zimbabwe
  16. Rift Valley Railways Consortium
  17. Shanghai–Hangzhou High-Speed Railway
  18. Swazi Rail
  19. Tanzania Railways Corporation
  20. TransNamib
  21. Tunisian Railways, DYK
  22. Uganda Railways Corporation
  23. Wanamaker, Kempton & Southern
  24. Zambia Railways Limited

Things nautical

  1. Royal Bermuda Yacht Club
  2. La Dauphine, DYK
  3. SS Dzhurma, DYK
  4. Guayas (ship), DYK
  5. List of ships attacked by Somali pirates in 2012
  6. São Gabriel (ship), DYK
  7. MV Morning Glory
  8. SPS Patiño A14
  9. SS Indigirka, DYK
  10. MV Izumi, DYK
  11. MV Irene SL
  12. Navis lusoria, DYK
  13. MV York, DYK
  14. Portsmouth Naval Prison, DYK
  15. RV Vema, DYK
  16. United States Maritime Alliance


  1. 2010 Salang avalanches
  2. 2011 Nairobi pipeline fire
  3. 2015 Brazilian drought
  4. 2015 Caribbean drought
  5. 2017 Ciudad del Este robbery
  6. 2017 Kalynivka ammunition depot explosion
  7. 2019 measles outbreak in the Democratic Republic of the Congo
  8. 2020 China floods
  9. Advisory Committee of U.S. Attorneys
  10. Aliso Canyon gas leak
  11. April 2007 Nor'easter
  12. Aquarium fishery
  13. ASRM
  14. Avunculicide
  15. Beni Sweif Cultural Palace Fire
  16. Bird trapping, DYK
  17. Blue Heron Farm
  18. Bureau 121
  19. Cajas Water Mouse
  20. Costumbrista
  21. Creole marble
  22. Crop desiccation
  23. Cultivator No. 6
  24. Deadly Medicines and Organised Crime
  25. Duke Farms, DYK
  26. East County Park (New Jersey)
  27. Enlist Weed Control System
  28. Etowah marble
  29. Falcon Lair
  30. Fischer-Chöre
  31. Former Residence of Soong Ching-ling
  32. Fun
  33. Gift card, DYK
  34. Griftopia, DYK
  35. Health Care for America Now
  36. Helix Producer 1
  37. Heredity Commission
  38. Hochmoselbrücke, DYK
  39. The Evolution of Beauty: How Darwin’s Forgotten Theory of Mate Choice Shapes the Animal World — and Us
  40. Internet Security Essentials
  41. The Invisibles (movie)
  42. Jack Warner Estate
  43. Khmeimim Air Base
  44. List of invasive plant species in New Jersey
  45. Luke 5
  46. Miami Auto Museum at the Dezer Collection
  47. Mitropa Rally Cup
  48. Motor-paced racing, DYK
  49. New York City's YMCA Camp
  50. Nicaraguan Canal and Development Project
  51. Notre-Dame des Neiges, L'Alpe d'Huez
  52. The North Africa Post
  53. Oil production in ISIL
  54. Opera Omnia Leonhard Euler
  55. Operation Broken Trust, DYK
  56. Persecution of albinos, DYK
  57. Pernil
  58. Playboy (lifestyle), DYK
  59. Skillman Park
  60. Small house movement
  61. Stayer (horse)
  62. Supercapitalism: The Transformation of Business, Democracy, and Everyday Life
  63. Supreme Council of the Armed Forces
  64. UCI Motor-paced World Championships
  65. Waddell Buddhist temple shooting
  66. Wentworth by the Sea
  67. Weeping Beech
  68. Weeping tree
  69. Wood ash

Translated from German/ Dutch/ French/ Italian/ Spanish






The current list is here: User:Ekem/DYK with 109 entries.

25, 50, & 100 DYK

The 25 DYK Medal for Ekem
Congratulations! Here's a medal for you in appreciation of your hardwork in creating, expanding and nominating 25+ articles for DYK. Keep up the good work, Ekem! Need to be quick as you are half way to fifty --Victuallers (talk) 17:23, 15 February 2008 (UTC)

The 50 DYK Medal   
Over 50 articles! Chemicals, translations and the arts.... is there such a thing as a wikimath? Anyway thanks from me and the wiki. Oh and can I tell you that the 100 medal is really nice colour of gold ... Victuallers (talk) 15:27, 1 March 2009 (UTC)

The 100 DYK Creation and Expansion Medal
Congratulations for reaching the 100 DYK mark! Here's to 100 more. — KV5Talk • 00:33, 31 January 2011 (UTC)



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